Would You Wear a Red Wedding Gown?
There was a recent article on CNN Living titled Brides buck tradition and ditch the white dress. They quote bridal consultant Susan Rogers as saying, “In the last 10 to 15 years, everything went from white to ivory. I think they figured out that everyone really didn’t look good in white. … Nobody orders white anymore. It’s kind of a faux pas.”
Information provided by Bridal Guide disputes the CNN details by saying, “A 2002 Reader Service Study indicates that 57% of bridal gowns were white; 38% were ivory; the remaining 5% were some other color.”
The question was asked again in a 2009 survey and things had not changed that much in 7 years: 58% white; 37% Ivory; the remaining 5% all others. This survey seems fairly consistent with a 2008 survey compiled by The Knot. The Knot provided more specific information on wedding gown color: 27% Stark White; 25% Diamond White (52% Total); 39% Ivory; 4% Champagne or Rum; 6% other.
So it seems safe to say that, for now anyway, white remains the overwhelming choice of bridal gown color. Click here for a selection of bridal gowns.