Choosing the Perfect Wedding Engagement Diamond
Know your 4 C’s; Cut, Clarity, Carat, Color as well as the diamond shape before deciding on a Wedding Engagement Ring. This info-graphic will help.
Your?jeweler?will let you look at loose?diamonds, and once you have chosen the one you like then you can pick out the setting. You can also get a?wedding engagement ring?that is already preset.
Diamond Shapes:
There are a variety of diamond shapes to choose from including round, princess, pear, cushion, heart, asscher, oval, emerald, marquise and radiant.
Diamond Cuts:
The cut determines the diamond’s reflective qualities and directly influences its value. A diamond’s cut affects its brilliance. The better the cut, the brighter the diamond appears. When a diamond is well cut, light enters through the table, travels to the pavilion and reflects from side-to-side, then pours out so the eye can see its fiery brilliance.
Diamond Clarity:
Most diamonds contain very tiny natural characteristics called “inclusions.” The size, number, position, nature and color of these inclusions (as seen by the trained eye using 10 power magnification) will determine a stone’s clarity grade.
FL and IF indicate an internally flawless diamond. VVS1 and VVS2 indicate a diamond with very, very slight inclusions. VS1 and VS2 indicate a diamond with very slight inclusions. SI1 and SI2 indicate a diamond with slight inclusions. I1, I2 or I3 indicate a diamond with eye visual inclusions.
Carat weight is the standard measure of a diamond’s weight. The larger the diamond, the more rare it is.
Diamond Colors:
In nature, diamonds are found with a wide array of color ? from colorless, to faint yellow or even brown, to rare pinks, blues, greens, and other colors known as “fancies.” Most diamonds have at least a trace of yellow, brown or grey body color. Diamonds that are graded D, E, and F are considered colorless. Diamonds graded G, H, and I are considered near-colorless.
Don’t listen to that old myth about spending 2 months of your salary on a?wedding ring. Buy the best ring you can afford without going into major debt.
50 percent of women would rather a man splurge on the diamonds rather than the proposal as most would be satisfied with a simple, inexpensive, romantic proposal at a park.
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