Kissing Fish Weddings
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Joyfully performing casual, tasteful and inexpensive wedding ceremonies in Pinellas County and the Tampa Bay area. Outdoor, indoor, parks and beaches, daytime or night time. New vows, renewals and commitment ceremonies performed! Where ever you choose to proclaim your love. We will meet you there. In addition to the ceremony we provide simple and lovely decor to accent your location if you wish. This is Your special day, Your special way! Intimate, just for two or bring a crowd. It is our privilege to provide a happy, memorable, and special wedding day ceremony for you. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Our ceremonies are civil and non-religious, performed by a Florida Notary Public, but contemporarily spiritual and performed in the ever glorious settings provided by mother nature. The vows you speak will truthfully reveal the depth of your love, the love that comes from your heart and soul!